Life Hacks That You Should Use To Impress Your Mother

I do not know about you, but whenever I look at my mother (God bless him), I always sit down because she always has some knowledge that can be used at home. Okay, this mom feels like I'm on the internet and you do not

1. Use binder clips.
Image - JD Hancock
Image - JD Hancock
Use it to sort the cable surrounding your desk.

2. Pancake blend of plastic ketchup bottle.
Your mother can say something like, "Did you eat all this for yourself?" But hey, that means that there is a whole pancake for your loving mother?

3. Use Hair Seidner to keep your collar fresh.
Picture - Danny P.L.
Picture - Danny P.L.
If you have a hair strainer (if you have a girlfriend), you can use this bad boy to make your bad collar perfect, and it can look good and straightforward to your hair. (I can not straighten my hair anyway, but that does not mean I have not tried.)

4. Fold your clothes and store it vertically in your dresser.
My mother will check the dress she is who she is. He wants to know everything. So, impress this with this visualization technique. At the same time you will see the shirt you wear.

5. Do not throw any bread clips. Use different cables.
How clean you can paint it!

6. Toilet Paper Roll, it's versatile.
Picture - JesseRedder
Picture - JesseRedder
There is no room for toilet paper. You can keep the paper wrapped in place. If you have rats, stop them or chew them.

7. Clean the surface with vinegar.
To walk the bath head smoothly, place some vinegar in a zipper bag and flip the shower head. It will stay for the night.

8. Coca Cola cleans the surface.
Dirty Toilet Bowl? Give some cola here. Leave all night out. Do not let the dog go closer.

9. Use cutting teeth and using toothache.
Picture - Yoga
Use floss instead of knife seriously It makes cakes easier than a knife.

10. Is there any additional trouser hangers?
Use her as an accountant. Break the cookbook holder or edge and use it as a pocket clip.

11. Cut the Tennis Ball.
Picture - Hora Verlen
Picture - Hora Verlen
Use it as a post or key holder. Look to show her beautiful ... or scary

12. Do you open a box of spaghetti?
Use pringle to save the rest First, eat details. TC-brand